I’m back into my water therapy

I’m back into my water therapy

I have had chronic pain in my soft tissue since 1989. Sharp stabbing pains are in the 10 category that take your breath away. Those don’t happen too often; maybe once or twice an hour. They don’t last long, there and gone.  The chronic pain in my muscles can top out at a 10; it feels like i am tearing when i move.  mostly that is in the morning and the evening.Getting going is difficult. I manage it with lifestyle and medication. Exercise helps, inactivity and i have more of the stabbing type pains.  I have to move; i have to push through it. I have some really good days, like today. really great, actually.

I started back at water therapy yesterday. The joy of being submersed up to my ears in 90degree water and then moving. Some of my parts want to be stretched and some of them want to squeeze. I only exercised for 35 minutes, then i went to the hot tub for 10. Afterwards, I want to sleep. I feel like i am on drugs, spacey.  I drove hope safely only to hit the gate button when i came in the gate…. a little cost….

Today, i am sore in some places, but a good sore. I feel stretchy tight in my core. It has been a really good day.

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