who am i really?

who am i really?

This could be a very long blog. More than the obligatory “about”.
Sometimes who i am is defined as what i do and i find myself more and more just being with Brian. This supersedes most everything. How vulnerable i have become to my darling husband. He doesn’t read my blog or my facebook, he says with a question “You do facebook?” And yet, that he may not be aware of these silly little intimacies that i share with you, he is how i prioritize my time. So I am Brian’s wife above all, for better and worse, and how wonderful that things are on the up side of better for us. I am so thankful to the universe for all of our good fortune and all the fruits of our hard works.
So, one thing i am thinking is: if you ever wonder why i don’t call, or why i don’t answer the phone, or why it takes so long for me to get back to you.
blame Brian, that is one of the wonderful things husbands are for.

my prisoner

my prisoner

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