NeubeEquss aka Osirrus Lunus

I think Neubee deserves his own page.

DaBrim at

DaBrim at

WE battled EPM and have had progress. Less tripping behind and less foot dragging.
He had a stile injection and that improved that he lands harder on his left front.
Changed farrier’s. Pickle is better moving, wayyy better. Neubee again landing harder on his front right. Every Farrier brings his own angle, eye , and design to the foot. From what Iknow and I have done alot of research, his angles look better but he may be needing sometime to adjust, Or the stile injection may have gone into a comparment that only marginally affects his issue.

After 4 soundness vet checks and neurological exams, I finially retired Neubee as I was concerned that he would fall on me.  After that, I got the two blue roans, Steeley Dan and Quincey Blue Chip.