Category Archives: hit-air vests

Come to the Shawana Karrasch Clinic, Gilroy, Ca, Nov 17-18

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Happily EA. Sact trip, Bunny day, Neubee

[pe2-image src="" href="" caption="" type="video" alt="20150404_154021.mp4" ]

Sacto trip to see my son, Jeffry Amberson and SO/F Ashley Trant. I love my childrens! So fun learning new words...
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After my fall tonight, thank hit-air I am posting

I hope the pics load, although i did post on my own FB page. Here’s the STORY

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”20150323_180229.jpg” ] It was probably my fault, asking for one more or a shorter stride before a simple cross rail. I think he tried. After that, it all happend so fast, but in slow-motion just the same. I felt him going down and forward, when his legs should have been there. I don’t know if he got caught or tried to change something in landing. He is soooo big, my first fear was that he was going to fall on me. I didn’t try to stay on and I did fall clear. He tried as you see by the marks and finially did roll all the way down on his left side. My saddle is all scraped from the sand but as I was falling away from him, my vest inflated. I did some sort of face plant, my nose is cut from my glasses, but my helmet isn’t dirty? [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”20150323_175956.jpg” ]

   [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”20150323_175944.jpg” ]My sweet horse is standing here with his bridle between his feet looking at me. I don’t know when he got caught up, some time during the fall. He is bruised by his left bottom canine.  And then, he just stood there, quietly waiting.  Good Neubee.